Welcome to SEVER in KROJ official web page.
MANIFEST OF SEVER IN KROJ 2024 by :žiga :birsa
We are here to cherrish the connections with sacred lands and ancient ancestors.
We are thankful to be able to explore the possibilities of creation and co-creation.
We are here to call, experience and embody our common happiness
with loving support and inspiration from the Sacred Elements of Creation,
through sound, rhythm, music, breathwork, ancient theatre, groupwork, …
It’s all good. Relax. If you’re in Slovenia, first learn our ancient language 😉
and then check out DOGODKI, where you can be with us.
You may be entering sound-castles of MAGU IKA
Or you can explore what we’ve done so far,
or what we’re actually doing together.
HERE ARE LINKS of collaboration
Check them out!
After you have found out what we’re up to,
if you like it – and if you would like to contribute to our progress,
and see more of that in the World,
you can easily support us
by transacting any kind of donation
to our bank account:
SI56 6100 0002 2918 925
You can also order any of our products
or get in touch with us to collaborate.
Check the rest of our page for inspiration.
Be well, be happy, be free.
Join us LIVE for a happy adventure.